Super Bomberman info
(too old to reply)
2004-08-01 12:09:25 UTC

I've just got ROMs of Super bombermans 1 to 5 on my PC, I absolutely loved
playing the game in battle mode with the multitap when I had it on the
console but I've completely forgotten how to play. Can anyone point me to
somewhere that might give me the information I'm looking for? I can't
remember which version(s) I had on the SNES, probably the first & maybe the
second but I do remember being able to throw bombs over walls, kick bombs &
getting special remote controlled bombs that you could detonate manually,
these features made the game even more cunning / frustrating. I can't
remember if these features were only enabled in higher levels or if they
were selected manually, etc, etc.

Cheers, Jase.
2004-09-10 01:59:19 UTC
I think its on one of the later versions of the game, possibly
Bomberman 2.

By the way, for authentic SNES gaming, buy a proper SNES controller
off ebay and one of these:

If youre planning on 4 player bomberman on your emulator, u might want
to try a Playstation to PC USB adapter (from the site above or amazon
etc). You can buy 4 PS2 pads then and a multitap and connecting all
that to your USB adapter on your PC...! works for me :D

On Sun, 01 Aug 2004 12:09:25 GMT, Witchsmeller
Post by Witchsmeller
I've just got ROMs of Super bombermans 1 to 5 on my PC, I absolutely loved
playing the game in battle mode with the multitap when I had it on the
console but I've completely forgotten how to play. Can anyone point me to
somewhere that might give me the information I'm looking for? I can't
remember which version(s) I had on the SNES, probably the first & maybe the
second but I do remember being able to throw bombs over walls, kick bombs &
getting special remote controlled bombs that you could detonate manually,
these features made the game even more cunning / frustrating. I can't
remember if these features were only enabled in higher levels or if they
were selected manually, etc, etc.
Cheers, Jase.
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