Favourite Game on the SNES
(too old to reply)
2003-07-28 10:56:23 UTC
Well, it's still Super Mario Kart.

The second game I bought for my system still has the best gameplay EVER
among today's graphically intense games.

I played this for hours, mastered 150cc thousands of times being small (with
the code put in on the select character screen) and found out through lots
of late nights and drinking with mate that the best winning streak you could
get in battle mode was 99. :)

Unfortunately, I purchased Super Mario Kart for my Gameboy Advance, but it
just isn't right (to me) without the classic SNES controller. The button
layout was just so perfect for the system.

Think I might have a game right now..........
Pete Taylor
2003-08-06 09:04:05 UTC
Post by Gameboy
Well, it's still Super Mario Kart.
The second game I bought for my system still has the best gameplay
EVER among today's graphically intense games.
I played this for hours, mastered 150cc thousands of times being small
(with the code put in on the select character screen) and found out
through lots of late nights and drinking with mate that the best
winning streak you could get in battle mode was 99. :)
Unfortunately, I purchased Super Mario Kart for my Gameboy Advance,
but it just isn't right (to me) without the classic SNES controller.
The button layout was just so perfect for the system.
Think I might have a game right now..........
I know where you're coming from on this one. I spent many many hours
playing on Super Mario Kart in my younger years! And many hours playing
against my friends in battle mode! Happy memories.....

Anyway, I still love Super Mario World and I can't really decide which of
these two I prefer. I've always been a platform game freak (and really miss
the old 2D platform games, now that everything seemingly "has" to be 3D -
who made that rule?) and so this is a game very close to my heart.

By the time Yoshi's Island came out, I had forgotton about video games and
spent my time on other pursuits. Now that I have recently got back into so-
called "retro gaming" I have been able to discover this gem of a game. It
doesn't quite have the 'clean' and bright appeal of SMW though, in my
opinion. It's a good game, but my joint favourites have to be Super Mario
World and Super Mario Kart.


Charles McKey
2003-08-07 10:35:22 UTC
Post by Pete Taylor
I know where you're coming from on this one. I spent many many hours
playing on Super Mario Kart in my younger years! And many hours playing
against my friends in battle mode! Happy memories.....
Yeah, that's a memory I have too! I didn't have a SNES myself back in
my first flush of SNES gaming, but my pal (who lived a few streets over
from me) did, and we'd battle it out in Mario Kart pretty much every
time I went around to see him. The other game I remember being in heavy
use was a soccer game called "Striker". I had a Sega Megadrive myself,
and we'd play NHLPA Hockey or Road Rash when he came round to see me,
but that's a memory for another group, I guess :)
Post by Pete Taylor
Anyway, I still love Super Mario World and I can't really decide which of
these two I prefer. I've always been a platform game freak (and really miss
the old 2D platform games, now that everything seemingly "has" to be 3D -
who made that rule?) and so this is a game very close to my heart.
I was never a big fan of platform games, and until my son got his SNES
recently (his gran bought him one so that he would have something easier
to set up and play on than her/my computer) wouldn't have looked at one.
My son's SNES came with a few carts, one of which was Super Mario All
Stars - I'm quite enjoying these - after a week or so of playing them on
and off, I'd plump for Super Mario 2 as my favourite, with The Lost
Levels as a close second. I should have a closer look at SMW, which
I've not really played at all.

I don't know that I'd personally rate the platformers above Super Mario
Kart (my copy from Ebay will hopefully arrive soon so I can test that
thesis) or Streetfighter 2 though.
Pete Taylor
2003-08-08 13:26:47 UTC
Post by Charles McKey
Post by Pete Taylor
I know where you're coming from on this one. I spent many many hours
playing on Super Mario Kart in my younger years! And many hours
playing against my friends in battle mode! Happy memories.....
Yeah, that's a memory I have too! I didn't have a SNES myself back in
my first flush of SNES gaming, but my pal (who lived a few streets
over from me) did, and we'd battle it out in Mario Kart pretty much
every time I went around to see him. The other game I remember being
in heavy use was a soccer game called "Striker". I had a Sega
Megadrive myself, and we'd play NHLPA Hockey or Road Rash when he came
round to see me, but that's a memory for another group, I guess :)
Ah, a Sega man! You come to us from the dark side!

Post by Charles McKey
Post by Pete Taylor
Anyway, I still love Super Mario World and I can't really decide
which of these two I prefer. I've always been a platform game freak
(and really miss the old 2D platform games, now that everything
seemingly "has" to be 3D - who made that rule?) and so this is a game
very close to my heart.
I was never a big fan of platform games, and until my son got his SNES
recently (his gran bought him one so that he would have something
easier to set up and play on than her/my computer) wouldn't have
looked at one. My son's SNES came with a few carts, one of which was
Super Mario All Stars - I'm quite enjoying these - after a week or so
of playing them on and off, I'd plump for Super Mario 2 as my
favourite, with The Lost Levels as a close second. I should have a
closer look at SMW, which I've not really played at all.
I don't know that I'd personally rate the platformers above Super
Mario Kart (my copy from Ebay will hopefully arrive soon so I can test
that thesis) or Streetfighter 2 though.
Streetfighter 2 was an amazing game! When I first got that for my SNES I
just couldn't believe it. I was so excited, it was like having an arcade
machine in my own home! Fantastic!

I think my all-time favourite platformer is Super Mario 3, I loved playing
that on the SNES. Drifting off-topic (slightly), I'll never forget getting
my first console. A NES that I bought from a friend in immaculate
condition. It was the Super Mario 3 pack. I can remember hooking it up and
thinking "Wow! How lucky am I?" The advert had been on TV and I remembered
looking at it and dream of owning such a powerful games machine (compared
to my Amstrad CPC464 computer) - and here it was in my bedroom! Fond, fond

