Can you play UK games on US SNES? PAL/NTSC
(too old to reply)
blue in the skull
2004-07-10 07:37:59 UTC
Is there a way to convert the game, or get some type of adapter so u can
play PAL games in North America on NTSC systems?
Pete Taylor
2004-07-11 18:21:17 UTC
Post by blue in the skull
Is there a way to convert the game, or get some type of adapter so u can
play PAL games in North America on NTSC systems?
You used to be able to buy "convertors" where you plugged a US cartridge
and a UK cartridge in at the same time and play the UK cartridge - IIRC.
The only place you're likely to pick one of these up from now is eBay...

Is there a specific game you're wanting to play? I can't quite see why
you'd want to try and play a PAL game on a US system - I thought that all
the games that were released as PAL were also released in the US?


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