Kid Icarus
(too old to reply)
2004-02-09 05:31:01 UTC
I think this would be a game that would do Nintendo some good to recreate
just as they did with Metroid. I love Kid Icarus. And when I think of
Metroid, I think of Kid Icarus because I had both the games at about the
same time. I have a Kid Icarus emulator on my computer, its much harder to
play without the rectangle controllers : ) I love the sound track on this
game also even though its just midi music.

Chris Simpson
2004-04-29 16:41:05 UTC
I have played that game and the orgnal Zelda with my flight stick.. It
feels strange but it does work...
Post by wreckgar
I think this would be a game that would do Nintendo some good to recreate
just as they did with Metroid. I love Kid Icarus. And when I think of
Metroid, I think of Kid Icarus because I had both the games at about the
same time. I have a Kid Icarus emulator on my computer, its much harder to
play without the rectangle controllers : ) I love the sound track on this
game also even though its just midi music.